Contains details of past Meetings, Events, Consultations and major events.
– For details of previous Newsletters sent out to members – see Newsletters page.
– For details of past BBPlan Committee meetings – see Committee Meetings page.
– For Photos and aerial videos of the proposed housing Sites BA1, BA2, BA3 & BA4 – see Photos and Video page
* Land East of Rhee Spring development (BA4)
A proposal for the development of 42 dwellings on the Land East of Rhee Spring (BA4) was made public in April 2021 via their Consultation website.
The latest Proposal for the BA4 site was rejected by the NHDC Planning Committee on 21st March 2024, on the grounds that the plan did not contain 42% of Affordable houses.
* November 2023 – HCC / U&C presentation of revised plans for the Baldock area
– In November 2023, Herts County Council and Urban&Civic presented their revised plans for developments in the Baldock area. There were three meetings, for public review and comments, held at the following venues –
1. St Mary’s Church Hall, Baldock – on Friday 24th Nov, 1 – 6pm
2. St Mary’s Church Hall, Baldock – on Saturday 25th Nov, 12 – 4pm
3. Baldock Arts & Heritage centre (town hall) – on Wednesday 29th Nov, 4 – 8pm
There are more Baldock details on the U&C website –
U&C main website is –
re Baldock –
* July ’23 – Additional Consultations on Masterplan for Baldock
A further round of consultations on the Masterplan for Baldock were run by Urban and Civic (U&C) at the Orange Tree pub, on Mon 10th July. There were three sessions (4.15 to 5.15pm, 5.30-6.30pm, 6.45-7.45) which included a short presentation. To book a session, email sent to
There are more Baldock details on the U&C website –
U&C main website is –
re Baldock –
* March ’23 – First formal round of Consultations on Masterplan for Baldock
The first formal round of consultations on the Masterplan for Baldock was run by Urban and Civic (U&C) at the end of March ’23 in Baldock TownHall, and was advertised widely in the local area. U&C have been appointed by HCC (Herts County Council) to be the principle developers for the whole of the Baldock and Bygrave development area. They have an agreement to work with both HCC and North Hertfordshire Council to create a Strategic Masterplan for the area. (for more details see BBPlan Newsletter 2nd Mar ’23 (pdf) )
NHDC Council voted to adopt the revised Local Plan on 8th Nov 2022
On Tues 8th Nov 2022, the NHDC Council Voted to adopt the revised local Plan. 30 members vote for the plan, 8 voted against, and 2 abstained. It was a long meeting finishing at 11pm. The voting results appeared briefly on the big screens – see at 3hrs, 24min, 15 sec.
NHDC Local Plan – Inspectors final report – 8th Sept 2022
The Local Plan Inspector issued his final report on the examination of the NHDC Local Plan 2011- 2031, on 8th Sept 2022. See notification email – Receipt of the Inspector’s Report
The North Herts Inspectors Report and the Schedule of Main Modifications Appendix are available on the NHDC website. They are also available to view at the Council Offices, and in the following local libraries – Baldock, Hitchin, Knebworth, Letchworth and Royston.
In the Report Baldock is mentioned on pages 65 to 71.
In the Appendix sites BA2 to BA10 are mentioned on pages 84 to 87. Details of all BA sites can be seen in the Maps page.
At the end of the Appendix, there is a map of all NHDC areas affected – on page 127.
It is understood that once accepted by the Council, there will be a presentation by HCC of a revised plan for Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall in the Baldock Community Centre.
* July ’22 – Consultations Urban&Civic re Baldock Plans
Initial Zoom meeting with Urban&Civic, who have been appointed by HCC (Herts County Council) to create a plan for the additional developments around Baldock, as identified in the NHDC Local Plan,
2022 – Herts County Council (HCC) – possible revised planning application
In January 2018, HCC produced a map of possible Baldock Developments (see Below). It is understood that HCC may produce another revised Map of possible Baldock developments in 2022 (depending on the Local Plan hearings and eventual acceptance).
* Neighbourhood Plan ‘Made’ by NHDC Cabinet on Tues 29th June 2021
During the NHDC Cabinet meeting on Tues 29th June, the Neighbourhood plan was formally adopted (Made) and will now come into force. It should be considered during future Planning activities in the area.
* BBPlan Committee (virtual) meeting & AGM – Thurs 24th June, 2021
– A virtual AGM was held on Thurs 24th June, during which nominees for the 2021/22 Committee were be elected. The June AGM 2021 update presentation was used to guide the AGM discussions. An additional member was elected, and the Chairman changed.
– Further actions needed were discussed following the successful Referendum Vote on May 6th 2021 when the BBPlan Neighbourhood Plan was accepted.
– Latest financial position discussed.
* Thur 6th May 2021 – Neighbourhood Plan approved by 88% of voters
The Jan 2021 version of the Neighbourhood Plan was approved by Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall voters in a referendum vote on Thur 6 May 2021. The counts were –
* Yes: 3101 (88.15%)
* No: 413 (11.85%)
This was a really vital last step, as without a vote in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan, we would lose all of the safeguards which it puts in place to ensure that any new building is well designed and has the least impact possible on Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall.
The referendum took place alongside the local NHDC council elections, and was run by North Herts, so it was important to make sure that everyone had registered to vote, and also registered for a postal ballot if that was prefered.
This referendum was advertised locally as widely as possible with posters displayed around the town, adverts in local magazines, communication with local schools and social media. Residents were encouraged to download copies of the NP Referendum Vote Poster and NP Support Advert Leaflet to display or distribute through other channels. Voters were asked to email the committee using the address if they would like printed copies of the material.
NP Referendum Vote Poster
NP Support Advert Leaflet
Jan 2021 version of the Neighbourhood Plan
* Tue 26th Jan 2021 – NHDC Cabinet voted to accept the revised Neighbourhood Plan (Agenda Item 9)
On Jan 26th 2021, NHDC Cabinet voted unanimously to accept the revised Jan 2021 version of the Neighbourhood Plan , with the departures from the examiner’s recommendations included. This allows the Plan to proceed to a NHDC referendum / vote across Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall, on May 6th 2021, alongside the May Local Elections.
The vote was taken at the NHDC Cabinet meeting on January 26th 2021.
Report for the meeting: Agenda Document for Cabinet, 26/01/2021 19:30
Video of the NHDC Cabinet meeting available on the NHDC YouTube website.
* Nov / Dec 2020 – NHDC consulted for a Second time on the Neighbourhood Plan
Following the independent examination of the submitted Neighbourhood Plan, North Hertfordshire District Council and the committee of the neighbourhood planning group agreed that a small number of the examiner’s recommendations should not be taken forward. The District Council is obliged to consult on these departures, and details may be found on NHDC’s Neighbourhood Planning web site . This second Consultation started on 5th November 2020 and ended on 18th December 2020
* Summer 2020 – Independant Examination of the Neighbourhood Plan
NHDC approached NPIERS for the appointment of a suitably qualified person, who conducted an independent examination of the Neighbourhood Plan during Summer 2020.
* Wed 22nd Apr – NHDC Consultation ran until Wed 25th March 2020
NHDC placed the Neighbourhood Plan on their website for Consultation, which started on Wed 12th Feb, and ended on Wed 25th March. NHDC have now processed all representations received, and made them available to view on their website :
There is a search button on the NHDC website which shows the representations made by organisation. They also received representations from 3 individuals, which do not show up on the search button. All of the representations were made in respect of the sections / policies in the neighbourhood plan. NHDC will now approach NPIERS for the appointment of a suitably qualified person to conduct an independent examination of the Neighbourhood Plan..
Below are the documents which were submitted to the District Council. They are also available on the NHDC Consultation website.
- The covering Submission letter to NHDC
- The draft Neighbourhood Plan
- Design Guidelines – that form part of the Neighbourhood Plan
- Evidence Report (this explains more about how the plan has been produced, including the points made during the consultation exercise and how they have been responded to)
- SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) screening determination
- Map of the Neighbourhood Area – Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall
- Landscape & Visual Appraisal of the land between Baldock and Bygrave
* Tues, 28th Jan, 2020 – NHDC Cabinet meeting
The draft plan was accepted at the North Hertfordshire’s Cabinet meeting on Tues 28th January 2020,
* Dec 2019 – Neighbourhood Plan submitted to North Hertfordshire District Council
Following final checks, the plan was submitted to NHDC just before Christmas 2019. We expect the draft plan to be discussed at a meeting of North Hertfordshire’s Cabinet on 28 January 2020, after which the District Council will publicise that the plan has been submitted, invite any further views and appoint a suitably qualified person to conduct an independent examination of the Neighbourhood Plan. We will keep you updated as things move forward.
Thank you to everyone who responded to last summer’s consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Plan, and to those who have attended our public meetings and events. We have tried hard to take into account as many suggestions as possible, and at our last public meeting on 25th November it was agreed that the plan should be submitted to North Hertfordshire District Council.
* Mon 25th Nov 2019 – Public meeting / BBPlan AGM
A meeting was held on Monday, November 25th at the Baldock Community Centre, with a presentation to members of the current Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall Neighbourhood Plan. Members agreed the Neighbourhood Plan should be submitted to NHDC for inspection. Once complete, NHDC will organise a local referendum and eventual acceptance. BBPlan officers were elected for the year 2019 / 2020.
* Mon 8th July 2019 – Public Meeting, 7.30pm, Baldock Community Centre
A summary of your comments received during the recent Neighbourhood Plan consultation was presented at this meeting. Several points were raised, which will be incorporated into a revised version of the Draft Neighbourhood Plan
The Pre-submission Consultation for the Neighbourhood Plan ran from 7th May until 18th June 2019.
You were asked to support the plan by giving us your comments on this draft so that we can ensure that the final version, which will be submitted to NHDC, truely reflects the wishes of the residents and businesses of the town and surrounding parishes. (See below for details of how this was done)
There was an exhibition of the plan in the community centre on Fri 3rd & Sat 4th May 2019. There was also a further opportunity to meet the committee and discuss your views at the Street Fair on 18th May. The display boards used for these exhibitions can be found below.
Consultation on the draft Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan
(Regulation 14 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012)
Tuesday 7 May 2019 until midnight on Tuesday 18 June 2019
The Neighbourhood Plan has been produced to get the best possible outcome for Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall from whatever development takes place here in the coming years. The Neighbourhood Plan can’t stop new development, but we can use it to get a better deal that reflects the views of the community.
You were given the opportunity to let us have your views about the Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan has been produced entirely by volunteers drawn from local community organisations, following feedback received through a number of community events. You can read a summary of what’s in the plan, or download a full copy, from the links below.
The draft Neighbourhood Plan and its accompanying Design Guidelines were available for comment for 6 weeks from Tuesday 7 May 2019 until midnight on Tuesday 18th June 2019. Thank you for your responses, which were collected either using our online survey, or on a printed Survey Response Form.
The Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents available were:
– Summary of what the Neighbourhood Plan contains
– Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan (consultation draft)
– Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Design Guidelines
– Strategic Environmental Assessment screening determination
– Evidence Report
– Exhibition boards
The results of the Neighbourhood Plan consultation will be published in a Consultation Report and used to inform any changes that need to be made to the plan. A summary of your comments from the consultation was presented at a Public Meeting on Monday 8th July, 7.30pm at the Baldock Community Centre.
* Sat 18th May 2019 – BBPlan stall at the Baldock Street Fair
As part of the consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan we gave our exhibition a further outing at the Street fair. Members of the neighbourhood planning group were on hand to answer any questions about the plan and how to let us have your views.
* Fri 3rd May & Sat 4th May 2019 – Neighbourhood Plan Exhibitions
We held two public exhibitions in Baldock Community Centre on Fri May 3rd (7-9pm) & Sat May 4th (10am – 12 midday) 2019, showing how the Neighbourhood Plan aims to achieve a better future for Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall. Members of the neighbourhood planning group were on hand to answer any questions about the plan.
* The NHDC Public Consultation on the modified Local Plan finished on 11th April 2019.
The final Local Plan from the Local Plan Inspector is expected later in 2019.
BBPlan Neighbourhood Planning documents will take into account any relevant changes made by the Inspector to the Local Plan.
* Mon 10th Dec – Public Consultation until 11th April 2019
The NHDC Local Plan consultation finished on 11th April 2019.
BBPlan comments can be seen in the Mar 2019 consultation leaflet , with concerns about site BA3. Below is a map showing the BA3 land selected in the original Local Plan, and a second map showing the land selected in the modified Local Plan.
before map 1
191113 After Map 2
The Local Plan inspector will review all comments received, and produce the final Local Plan later (estimated to be in 2021).
BBPlan Neighbourhood Planning documents will take into account any relevant changes made to the Local Plan.
* Mon 3rd Dec 2018 – Baldock Councillors meeting
The Baldock Councillors met at 7.30pm, Monday 3rd Dec, in the Baldock Community Centre. Amongst the speakers, Cllr David Levett gave an update on the NHDC Local Plan. BBPlan also gave an update on progress of the Neighbourhood Plan.
* Mon 8th Oct 2018 – Design workshop with AECOM
Meeting with AECOM at 7pm, St Mary’s Church Hall – to meet the Design team, learn about the design process, investigate & discuss design possibilities, and provide your ideas – all of which will influence the evolving Neighbourhood Plan Design Document.
* Mon 1st Oct 2018 – Meeting with Baldock Councillors
Met with Baldock Councillors at 7.30pm, to present and discuss the current draft Neighbourhood Plan. Some Councillors unavailable to attend that evening.
* Thur 21st June 2018 – Baldock Fair feedback by AECOM
Visit to Baldock by AECOM, to give feedback on the comments received at the Baldock Fair on 19th May.
* Fri 25th May 2018 – Meeting with AECOM / WYG
Meeting with AECOM & WYG in London to discuss how best to progress the development of the BBPlan Neighbourhood Planning Design Document.
* Sat 19th May 2018 – Baldock Fair
BBPlan hosted a stall during the Baldock Fair on Sat 19th May, where views of residents were gathered as to the design of Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall developments. Residents were encouraged to write their comments (posative & negative) on post-it notes and place them on one of the eleven large boards prepared by AECOM, a planning design consultancy. Each board had a photo showing possible building designs.
The stall was shared with the Baldock Society, who also presented old photos of Baldock, in the Community Centre.
* Nov 2017 to Mar 2018 – NHDC Local Plan Hearing Sessions – completed
The Local Plan hearing sessions took place at the Icknield Centre, Icknield Way, Letchworth, SG6 1EF. They started on Mon 13th November, with the last session held on Tuesday 27th March 2018. The inspector reviewed the NHDC Local Plan, and asked NHDC to make some changes. There are plans for another six week consultation period, possibly starting in January ’19, to review the NHDC Local Plan revisions, with the Inspector’s final report being expected later in 2019.
Details of the Nov ’17 to Mar ’18 hearing sessions given in doc – NHDC Local Planning session . Sessions supported by – Inspector’s Guidance Notes & Inspector’s Matters & Issues
The NHDC Local Plan website contained links to
– the NHDC Meetings Schedule – of the hearing sessions
– the Document Library , which contains all documents created during the Hearing Sessions, and
– the Examination Library , containing many documents associated with producing the Local Plan.
The Baldock & Bygrave hearing sessions were held on Tuesday 6th Feb 2018, at 9am. Only site BA1 was reviewed. The hearing for the rest of the BA sites was re-scheduled to Monday 26th March, 9am, at The Council Chamber, Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3JF . NHDC map of sites proposed for Baldock.
Carole Anne of the Baldock Society attended both Baldock sessions and has written a summary of each meeting – 180206 Exam of NHDC Local Plan and 180326 Exam of NHDC Local Plan
* Thur 15th Mar 2018 – Public Meeting to give Survey Results, with Knights Templar pupils
* Year 8 KTS pupils presented their research and thoughts on the future developments in Baldock and surrounding areas.
* The ended with a brief BBPlan 2018 AGM.
* 14 Jan 2018 – 21 Feb 2018 – Community Survey
The Survey, to gain views as to how the Baldock area should develop alongside the NHDC Local Plan, closed on 21st Feb 2018. Survey Monkey was used to Complete the survey. The results can be seen in the power-point presentation – Presentation of results .
The Survey was originally printed in the four centre pages of the January 2018 edition of ‘On Our Doorstep’, with an online Questionnaire available to download and print, plus a Survey Poster also available to print.
* 19 Jan 2018 – 16 Mar 2018 – Herts County Council (HCC) planning applications
HCC employed WYG Consultants to create a draft outline design for the Baldock North & South sites. The HCC Consultation started on 19 Jan ’18 ending on 16 Mar ’18. Letters, dated 19/01/18 were sent to Baldock and Bygrave residents adjoining the Baldock North site BA1, and the Baldock South sites BA2, BA3 & BA4.
Links to the NHDC outline applications –
BA1 ref 17/04420/OP – (Baldock North) click Search, Planning, Simple Search – enter reference number – 17/04420/OP , press search
BA2, BA3, BA4 ref 17/04417/OP – (Baldock South) click Search, Planning, Simple Search – enter reference number – 17/04417/OP , press search
HCC application – associated documents – This page containing links to the WYG / HCC consultation documents (116) for the above applications. They are very slow to load. Below is a link to the January 2018 map, which is an illustration of the possible Baldock developments, as at 19 Jan 2018 (3rd illustrative map)
– HCC 3rd illustrative vision of the Baldock developments, as at Jan 2018.
* Mon 16th Oct ’17 – Public Meeting in St Mary’s Church Hall, 8pm
This meeting was intended to bring local residents up to speed with recent events and explain what needs to be done next to ensure the Neighbourhood plan can help to shape the future plans for Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall. The Committee was also re-elected for another year. Purpose of the meeting
The meeting began with a Neighbourhood plan presentation of the current situation, and the next steps being considered are –
* NHDC Local plan examination (Nov ’17 to Feb ’18) see above
* Herts County Council (HCC) planning application – Consultation started 19 Jan ’18 to 16 Mar ’18
* BBPlan Community survey (using a Questionnaire – Jan ’18 to 14 Feb ’18 )
* BBPlan Design workshops
* Producing a draft neighbourhood plan
* Mon 9th Oct ’17 – BBPlan presentation to Bygrave residents
A presentation was made to the residents, at Bygrave Church, 8pm.
Some resident were concerned about losing the Rights of Way for horse-riders, and the loss of the Bygrave Road, with its historic verges. Other concerns included –
– A Community Hall, Playing field / Sports Facilities
– Cycle way / footway, Tree screening from development
– Keep Air / sound / light quality as already enjoyed by Bygrave
– Stop the rat run from Ashwell, Car parking for station
– Centre for police / fire / ambulance
– Keep Bygrave separate from new developments by a decent distance; the village does not want to be a suburb of Baldock
* Fri 6th & Sat 7th Oct ’17 – HCC 2nd Consultation – New Neighbourhoods for Baldock
HCC held two follow-up consultations – on Fri 6th Oct, 3pm to 8pm, and Sat 7th Oct 11.30am to 2.30pm, in the Baldock Community Centre.
Details of the October HCC Consultations were available on their website – .
The full HCC 2nd revised proposals can be seen in the baldock-consultation-boards-6-7-oct-2017 PDF, as at 6th Oct 2017.
The 12 pages in the presentation are – Intro ; 1 Welcome ; 2 the Sites ; 3 Land Use ; 4 Link Roads ; 5 Transport ; 6 Travel ; 7 Green Spaces ; 8 Green Space 2 ; 9 Street Chr ; 10 2nd illustrative sites diagram ; 11 Next Steps
HCC asked the public to provide, by 14th Oct, their comments on the possible plan in their survey Questionnaire.
Details of the first consultation in July are available further down this page.
* Sat 30th Sept ’17 – Second Walk around Local Plan areas BA2 & BA3
20 members of the BBPlaning group walked from Tapps Garden Centre, around the proposed residential areas BA2 & BA3. photos and video are shown on the Photo & Video page . Details of the first walk on Sat 8th July around BA1 are shown further down the page.
* Mon 4th Sept ’17 – Presentation by Affinity Water re Ivel Springs Headwater to Baldock Area Committee
Alessandro Marsili of Affinity Water presented information re the Ivel Springs headwater, the levels of underground aquifer water available, and info on the water supplies for the proposed extra 5000 plus houses for Baldock and Letchworth. (Presentation was in Baldock Community centre.) Affinity Water assured the Councillors that water would be available, possibly piped in from other areas, as part of their long term planning for Hertfordshire.
* Tues 25th July ’17 – NHDC Cabinet meeting – Neighbourhood Planning area approved
At the NHDC Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 25th July, the Cabinet members unanimously approved the Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Planning Area.
* Tues 11th July & Sat 15th July ’17 – HCC Consultation – New Neighbourhoods for Baldock
HCC (Hertfordshire County Council) have developed some very early proposals for the Baldock North and Baldock South East housing sites. The first round of public consultations were held on Tues 11th July (3pm to 8pm) and Sat 15th July (10.30am to 1pm). HCC are planning follow-up consultations in early October.
Both July events were held at the Baldock Community Centre in Simpsons Drive, Baldock, SG7 6DH. More details were available on their website – including the ability to view and download a questionnaire and send back comments – .
The website held details of the 12 information Boards used in the first Consultation presentation, including a map of the proposed roads and developments (Board 11) – see PDF file – HCC-neighbourhoods-for-baldock-1st-public-exhibition. The first illustrative site diagram can be seen on page 11.
* Sat 8th July ’17 – First Walk around Local Plan areas BA1, BA10 and BA4.
12 members of the BBPlaning group, including 2 from Bygrave, walked around some of the land that NHDC plans to develop. The walk started 2pm at Baldock Station, up Icknield Way East, and along Royston Rd to the bypass roundabout (with the proposed industrial area BA10 on the left, and the proposed 95 new Clothall houses BA4 on the right). From the roundabout, the group walked on the public footpath past the potato crops, to the railway foot crossing. Then around the crops, and up through the ripening Barley field to Bygrave. Down through Bygrave (which is currently light-pollution free) to the Ashwell Road bend, and along the Bridle path back towards Nth Road. Over the ridge line path across BA1 (2800 houses) , and down to Bygrave Road, returning to Baldock Station at 5pm. Lots of photos and video were taken – see Photo & Video page.
* Wed 28th June ’17 – Notification received from Louise St John Howe (NHDC) that the Inspector in London is currently appraising the Local Plan. As there are a large number of representations this is not likely to be for a couple of months, but information on the examination is kept up to date on the Council webpages.
See link entitled ‘Latest News and Updates’ on
* Thu 8th June ’17 – Public Meeting for all members of BBPlan group, held at St Mary’s Church Hall from 7pm. This was part of an ongoing process of consulting the public about the development of the Neighbourhood Plan. We looked at information gathered on May 13th and developing a strategy to take our research forward.
For full details of the meeting discussions, see June 8th 2017 meeting notes.
* June ’17 – Received notification from NHDC that the BBPlanning Group’s application is now on the NHDC Neighbourhood Planning webpage, under Current Consultations. The Consultation period runs from Friday 9 June to Friday 7 July 2017.
* Sat 13th May ’17 – Baldock High Street fair – Stall set up with two aims:
– to inform the public of what is happening re planning for the Baldock area
– to collect thoughts, ideas and concerns from as many people as possible about the development of Baldock and the surrounding area
The Stall was manned by the committee and extra volunteers for a six hour period. Around 200 individual comments were collected, and 60 new membership forms completed. Comments received analysed and used to inform the next steps for the group, at the public meeting on Thur 8th June, at St Mary’s Church Hall, starting 7pm, for 7.30pm.
* Mar ’17 – Newsletter sent out to all registered members (see Newsletters) and briefings given to ‘Baldock Mail’ and ‘On Our Doorstep’.
* 28 Mar ’17 – Received notification from NHDC re the creation of the BBPlan group. Details of the BBPlanning Group’s application is now on the NHDC Neighbourhood Planning Groups webpage, under Current Consultations.
* 28 Jan ’17 – Public Workshop
* 12 Jan ’17 – Application letter sent to NHDC, to register the Neighbourhood Plan area. This includes the parishes of Bygrave and Clothall as well as Baldock town.
* 10 Jan ’17 – Initial meeting with Baldock Businesses to make them aware of the Neighbourhood Planning group.
* Design & Set-up the BBPlan website
* Receive a boundary map for the full BBPlan area from NHDC – Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall Neighbourhood Planning area – the map includes Luffenhall, which is part of Clothall Parish area.
* Incorporate Clothall into the group, forming the Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall Planning Group (still called BBPlan).
* 10th Nov ’16 – Public open meeting – introduction to the BBPlan Committee.
* 12th July ’16 – BBPlan Presentation at Baldock Councillors meeting.
* 16th June ’16 – Public meeting to discuss the Neighbourhood plan.
* 20th May ’16 – Initial meeting with NHDC Planning, to discuss the setting up of the Baldock Neighbourhood planning group, and approach to governance. Also request a boundary map for the BBPlan area.
* 10th March ’16 – BBPlan Committee formed – see more details on the Committee page.
* 25th Feb ’16 – Third public meeting to further discuss the formation of the Baldock Neighbourhood Planning Group. Draft Constitution and election of a BBPlan Committee discussed.
* 1st Jan ’16 –Bygrave Parish Council incorporated into the Group, forming the Baldock & Bygrave Neighbourhood Planning Group (BBPlan). Draft BBPlan Committee formed.
* 19 Nov ’15 – Second public meeting (at Tapps) to further discuss the formation of a Baldock Neighbourhood Planning Group
* 28 Sept ’15 – Initial exploratory meeting (at Tapps) between Baldock Society & Save Rural Baldock to discuss the possible formation of a Baldock Neighbourhood Planning Group.
For further information, contact