Welcome to the Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall Neighbourhood Planning Group website.
Below is a summary of the website pages which contain useful information.

The About page gives some background to the Group, how it was formed, what a Neighbourhood Plan is, and why a Plan is needed for Baldock, Bygrave & Clothall.
The About page also shows the current BBPlan Committee members, the BBPlan Constitution & the LOGO.

Current News
The most recent news is shown on the Current News page.
Older historic news  &  events are shown on the History page.

Planning  page – gives an overview of the groups  Role with identifying and reviewing local development plans.  Lists the development sites, as identified in the NHDC Local Plan, with more details of specific sites, such as BA4.

History page – contains details of past news & events held during the development of the Neighbourhood Plan.  Includes links to previous  Newsletters,  past Committee meetings and  photos / video of the four main proposed developments sites – BA1, BA2, BA3 & BA4.

Various local maps can be seen on the Maps page.
Information used to help develop the Neighbourhood Plan can be found on the Sources page.

In order to keep the group going we would very much welcome new volunteers.  Please email  info@bbplan.co.uk  to let us know if you are interested, or would like further information.   Also see the Join & Privacy page.


Constitution of the Group –  set out in the pdf document – BBPlan Constitution

BBPlan Logo





A few of the other sources of information about Baldock:-